Play-Based learning
The United Nations Rights of the Child, states that it is the fundamental right of all children to play (UNRC, Article 31). As children play, Educators are responsive, and take opportunities to cement learning concepts, challenge thinking and extend children’s learning in holistic ways. Our Educators believe in play based, child led learning and create inspiring environments that foster learning and wellbeing through play and relationships.
Play shapes the architecture of children’s brains (Bartlett, 2010). We believe when children play, they are practicing what they are learning, and building strong pathways in their brains. We have Educators who are trained in Early Childhood development and regularly participate in further training and professional development in the sector.
This strong knowledge base allows Educators to plan and create stimulating learning environments designed for children aged 0-5 years. We intentionally observe children’s development and interest levels and adapt our teaching and resources to meet children where they are at so they can succeed in their play and continue to grow.
We also collaborate with our on-site Occupational Therapist to create environments that are inclusive for all children. The OT supports Educator understanding and knowledge and also spends time with children individually and in small groups to support children’s learning and development.
Our Educational programs are guided and developed to align with Australia’s National Early Years Learning Framework, the EYLF. Alongside our everyday curriculum in our indoor and outdoor environments, our service also offers:
Beyond the Fence Curriculum
Our service is located in the heart of Port Stephens, allowing us to immerse our curriculum into the community. Educators regularly take children 'beyond the fence' to places including but not limited to: the library, shopping centre, post office, pet shop and local schools. Children are encouraged to be active citizens within their local surroundings.
We are fortunate to have the beautiful bushland alongside our service and take children daily into the natural environment to connect with country. Our bush program opens up opportunities to support and build children’s wellbeing, engage in safe risk taking, and build strong connections with the land to further embed a heart for sustainability.
We have a partnership with Harbourside Haven Aged Care facility, where we run an ‘intergenerational’ program to connect and build relationship and learning opportunities with our elderly community.
Transition to School Curriculum
Childhood is made up of many transitions, and Educators begin to prepare children for school from our youngest babies all the way through to the year before school. We work alongside children and their families to help build confident learners with a strong sense of who they are in themselves, their families, our community, and the wider world.
Along with the Early Years Learning Framework, the Department of Education provides advice on preparing children for school, which is weaved into our curriculum at Salamander. This is thoughtfully planned by our team of Early Childhood Teachers and Educators to facilitate learning outcomes in readiness for school and life long learning.
We know that 90% of a child’s brain is developed while they are in this Early Childhood age range, so at Salamander we take play seriously, and are privileged to be a part of children’s growth and development.
"The child is made of one hundred. The child has a hundred languages, a hundred hands, a hundred thoughts, a hundred ways of thinking, of playing, of speaking." Loris Malaguzzi
Play shapes the architecture of children’s brains (Bartlett, 2010). We believe when children play, they are practicing what they are learning, and building strong pathways in their brains. We have Educators who are trained in Early Childhood development and regularly participate in further training and professional development in the sector.
This strong knowledge base allows Educators to plan and create stimulating learning environments designed for children aged 0-5 years. We intentionally observe children’s development and interest levels and adapt our teaching and resources to meet children where they are at so they can succeed in their play and continue to grow.
We also collaborate with our on-site Occupational Therapist to create environments that are inclusive for all children. The OT supports Educator understanding and knowledge and also spends time with children individually and in small groups to support children’s learning and development.
Our Educational programs are guided and developed to align with Australia’s National Early Years Learning Framework, the EYLF. Alongside our everyday curriculum in our indoor and outdoor environments, our service also offers:
Beyond the Fence Curriculum
Our service is located in the heart of Port Stephens, allowing us to immerse our curriculum into the community. Educators regularly take children 'beyond the fence' to places including but not limited to: the library, shopping centre, post office, pet shop and local schools. Children are encouraged to be active citizens within their local surroundings.
We are fortunate to have the beautiful bushland alongside our service and take children daily into the natural environment to connect with country. Our bush program opens up opportunities to support and build children’s wellbeing, engage in safe risk taking, and build strong connections with the land to further embed a heart for sustainability.
We have a partnership with Harbourside Haven Aged Care facility, where we run an ‘intergenerational’ program to connect and build relationship and learning opportunities with our elderly community.
Transition to School Curriculum
Childhood is made up of many transitions, and Educators begin to prepare children for school from our youngest babies all the way through to the year before school. We work alongside children and their families to help build confident learners with a strong sense of who they are in themselves, their families, our community, and the wider world.
Along with the Early Years Learning Framework, the Department of Education provides advice on preparing children for school, which is weaved into our curriculum at Salamander. This is thoughtfully planned by our team of Early Childhood Teachers and Educators to facilitate learning outcomes in readiness for school and life long learning.
We know that 90% of a child’s brain is developed while they are in this Early Childhood age range, so at Salamander we take play seriously, and are privileged to be a part of children’s growth and development.
"The child is made of one hundred. The child has a hundred languages, a hundred hands, a hundred thoughts, a hundred ways of thinking, of playing, of speaking." Loris Malaguzzi